
Friday, 11 September 2015

Fading Hope

The bright sunlight has faded,
Darkness is all around me.
My hands reach out -
Frantically, desperately,
Hoping to find a little comfort,
Only to discover I have been bound.

More and more do I reach,
But a searing pain penetrates my soul.
The ties of bondage hold on -
Firmly tightening ,
Holding onto my chance of freedom,
And confusion filling my entire being.

"Where are You Lord?" I ask,
Could it be that He is gone?
I feel abandoned -
Lost and hurt,
It feels like I am alone,
Please Lord won't You draw near?

My cries for help ring out to nothingness,
And no one is listening.
My spirit is crushed -
Repenting, but doubting,
Wondering if I am saved,
If I'm still a child of the King.

~ Quentin Jessen © 2001

1 comment:

  1. Written in a dark period of my life, about 2 years after I had a near-fatal car accident. After moving for the second time out on my own, I fell into depressing times, sitting alone in my apartment many weekends because not many made an effort to visit. Yet, through these trying times, started a long and great teaching about who my true friends are - and to focus on them.
