Like a cold, dull dreary day it lingers on
That cold winter's day feeling of depression,
Hangs over most people
Staying, never leaving!
Keeping over us a cloud of insecurity
And no matter how,
The ties of bondage hold on,
Tightening when we try to free ourselves ...
The fear moves in
And the darkness is immanent
Surrounding, enveloping,
The heart grows weak and loneliness rises
Seems there's no one to talk to, no one
To understand ..
Freedom flies, up and away!
Confusion creeps - all that matters
Is absolutely nothing,
"How can I live in this world?"
"Why won't it stop? Let the hurt and sorrow stop!"
Tragedy and loss ...
Addictions and uncertainties remain
Tightening, grabbing at us
Far off in the distance there is calling
The sweet voice of hope is searching,
Trying to get to them -
The victims, helpless!
But it is too late, nothing will help ..
"Turn your heads from it,"
The voice of darkness whispers ...
Closing up in the shrouds of their burdens,
Away from the call
It seems that no one cares
Far off, far away
But wait! Behold - there is someone coming!
People with lamps lit by the Lord's light
The pure and holy light -
Warms them, melts the cold
Darkness is banished, taking with it
It's own fear and loneliness
"Let me help you, I will guide you" - a voice!
The gentle, caring voice of love
"I will be your friend -
No more loneliness, fear or hurt -
We'll get through this,
They fall and stumble, struggling with burdens
Behold the cross - the mighty cross!
"Lay your burdens down..."
Give it to the Lord and emerge,
Emerge the new person from within, become free!
The shackles of sin crumble and break
The ties loosen, fall away, disintegrate -
"Arise! Shine, my children!" calls the Father
"Fear no more, hurt no more ..
Call to Me and I will answer you ..
Come to Me - I'm waiting,"
Calls the voice of Love.
The new-found children laugh and sing
"We are free!"
And after all ...
Love and Joy
~ Quentin Jessen © 1999